Energy Efficiency – An Issue Of Extreme Importance

Energy is day by day becoming costly because prime sources are gradually depleting. Our energy requirement is continuously on the rise. Our life is totally bounded by the use of energy. There is much kind of energy sources, some are conventional and some are unconventional. We consume more of conventional energy such as fossil fuel, solid fuel and of course electrical energy. Such kind of fuel is stored energy and we have right kind of technology to use them. Such fuels are the gift of nature and resulted out of volcanic eruption in its origin. They are not usually in the process of continuous generation. But we are so used to these fuels that it is gradually becoming an uncontrollable situation. This kind of energy sources is convenient from use point of view. Our entire transportation and industrial technology largely depend on fossil fuel. Electrical energy is also obtained largely from burning coal, a solid fuel. Day by day extensive research has been intensified to develop renewal kind of energy sources. Whatever be the kind of energy sources, energy efficiency is the most important issue today. We now give much stress on Technologies which are energy efficient. To get more work done with reduced energy is the prime objective behind technology development.

Energy bill substantially increases unless we avail the latest technologies and sufficiently careful in spending energy in appropriate ways. To cut down production cost, energy efficiency measures are extremely important for any business houses. There is some conventional loss of energy such as poor insulation, unproductive heat generation, over use of machineries and so on. Energy efficiency can be well achieved by turning our attention to all these things by careful observation and planning. Ways and means are available to make the devices of our daily use more energy efficient. Energy efficiency is truly an outcome of right kind of awareness and practices. To get enriched with relevant kind of Information and to orient our life style is a result giving approach to reach to energy efficiency. It is more or less an attitude linked benefit. It is not only a cost saving measures but also an attempt to check the depleting source of conventional energy. Energy efficiency measures are necessity for our own and global benefits. Without sacrificing our basic comfort, we can well achieve it only by turning our attention to save energy in scientific ways.

Conventional energy being depleted over extensive use, enough attention is now being paid to develop renewable kind of energy such as solar energy. Initial investment cost for solar energy is little high but in long run it is extremely economical. It is of course limited to a specific area of use. The technology of generation of solar energy and its application is itself energy efficient. In spite of all these efforts still electrical energy and energy from fossil fuel dominate the consumption front. This necessitates innovation in multiple kinds of their uses with an eye on energy efficiency.