Professional Landscaping In Calgary Monitoring Your Underground Sprinkler System

To maintain their landscaping, Calgary residents and businesses need to make sure to maintain their underground sprinkler systems. Keeping the sprinklers in good condition ensures plants get the water they need and the system runs efficiently without any leaks. Yet, even with the best maintenance, leaks and other problems can occur. Monitoring helps detect problems early.

Monitor These Areas

What should you monitor when it comes to your sprinkler system?

Check your water bill and compare it to the same month last year. If you have seen a noticeable increase in use, you may have a leak somewhere in the sprinkler system. This happens due to freeze/thaw cycling, faulty sprinkler heads or infiltration blockage. In any case, if you suspect your system has a leak, you should have it checked out and have any repairs made before you use it again.

Watch your system in action. This is a part of maintaining the landscaping Calgary residents and business owners often neglect. Start with making sure each sprinkler head is working. You want to make sure all the heads are providing the pattern and coverage you want. Make sure each section in the sprinkler system is getting a steady flow of water. You may notice some areas getting too much water or too little water.

Check the system’s supply and drain valves and makes sure they are functioning properly. Wait to do this after a series of dry days. You want the soil to dry out a bit. Look under the valves and make sure they are dry also. If these valves are leaking, the soil will be damp when the rest of the area is dry.

Check for perpetually wet areas. If you have an underground leak, the ground around the leak will be saturated, no matter what. You may not see standing water, but the grass or plants may be drowning due to excessive water.

Performing routine maintenance can prevent problems or catch them when they are minor. Doing a spring check-up will make sure the system did not sustain damage during the winter and that it is ready for the coming growing season. Check each sprinkler head and make sure its in good shape. Make sure the ground is thawed to beneath the sprinkler system before starting it up for the first time.

If you suspect that your sprinkler system may have some major problems, you need to contact a professional landscaping company to handle the repairs. They can find the problem and fix it faster than most homeowners. Plus, they can check the rest of the system and be sure its ready for summer. Contact us here at Mirage Landscaping. We install, maintain, and repair sprinklers in the landscaping Calgary homes and businesses have.