Capital Review Group Publishes White Papers On Tax Savings And Energy Efficiency Incentives

Phoenix, AZ Phoenix-based consulting firm, Capital Review Group (CRG), has released a series of white papers designed to help educate business owners and accounting professionals on some of CRGs most sought after service offerings. White paper titles include:

Benefits of the Cost Segregation Study for Commercial Property Owners
Are you Ready to Take Advantage of the New Green Tax Incentives for Commercial Property Owners?
When is an Energy Audit Indicated?
Passive Activity and Cost Segregation

CRG Founder, Marky Moore, says that the White Papers offer valuable insights into the specialized work that CRG does for their clients. This is an area of growing interest for commercial property and business owners, says Moore. We want to give interested individuals more information on tax savings and incentives they could be applying, as well as how CRG develops strategies – with them- to maximize savings and apply discovered capital to high-value energy projects.

Combining expertise in areas of engineering, architecture, and IRS methodology, CRG is an innovator in identifying tax effects that create dramatic financial advantages for clients, as well as maximizing the positive impact of energy efficiency projects. Moore says, Many business owners, non-profit organizations and even builders and designers have limited knowledge of how to wade through complicated tax codes and develop strategies that combine energy efficiency, tax savings and future financial planning.
Moore hopes that by downloading the new white papers, interested parties will start to gain an understanding of the scope of the potential savings available to them, as well as ways they may experience an enhanced return on investment in energy efficiency projects. We are really hoping to generate some excitement by making this information available, Moore says. We want to build awareness of the kinds of dramatic financial advantages that are possible using our services, as well as the positive impact energy strategies can have on businesses and facilities.
Capital Review Group is a specialized consulting firm combining facility engineering with tax accounting to discover and develop high-value projects related to energy efficiency and Capital Discovery solutions for government, commercial and not-for-profit facilities. The companys team of professionals has a thorough understanding of
green tax incentives, energy tax credit deductions, IRS compliance regulations and energy strategies, including renewables. CRG offers 179d analysis and financial recommendations for energy-related federal tax incentives, as well as providing the required third-party certification to claim those deductions.

Most of CRG’s services begin with a preliminary review and analysis at no cost to clients. For more information, visit